Enter the Consignment No.

Ex: 12345

A tracking number or ID is a combination of numbers and possibly letters that uniquely identifies your shipment for national or international tracking. Usually, the shipper or online shop is able to provide the tracking number or ID. If you have ordered a product in an online shop, the confirmation email or shipment tracking notification often contains the tracking number or ID. If not, please contact your shipper or online shop.


Our TL freight brokerage platform, “Orion”, connects shippers with fleet-owners and suppliers of truckload capacity across the country via a centralized bidding and matching engine. The Orion platform allows shippers and our teams to post their spot and long-term truckload freight requirements. Registered agents and fleet owners can then bid for these jobs via our in-house application, Axle. Subsequently, loads are matched to capacity based on price and service quality. We also acquired Roadpiper Technologies Private Limited, a digital freight broker with fleet owner, load-matching and pricing applications. This has strengthened our capability to engage with suppliers of truckload capacity.


Our express parcel delivery network services over 17000 pin codes in India. It can handle consignments of up to 10 kilograms with same-day and next-day capabilities and 48-96 hour deliveries for long-distance orders. We also offer heavy goods service comprising the warehousing and delivery of heavy goods, such as large electrical goods, or white goods, furniture and sports equipment, supported by our extensive pan-India network and PTL services. Additionally, we extend our express parcel services for domestic shipping, through Air and Sea Direct to individual consumers from the comfort of their homes.


Air and Sea Express provides PTL freight services focused on the B2B express segment at competitive rates. Our services are designed to meet regular as well as seasonal requirements across the country. Customers’ freight requirements are serviced at competitive costs – with a combination of our own fleet and our network of pan-India professional truckload partners.

Our service is designed around shared linehaul operations with the express parcel business. Our shared network allows us to offer e-commerce equivalent turnaround times and direct reach across our entire network to PTL freight customers.


Our cross-border offering provides door-to-door, port-to-port express parcel services as well as air cargo to and from India. Our operations are powered by our global shipping service, “Starfleet”, where we follow a“string of pearls” strategy, integrating global networks and airlines on the same platform, providing single-window visibility into express and freight global shipping to shippers. We have established reciprocal partnerships with leading global express players which is targeted at expanding our coverage across global markets.

Our capabilities include an integrated network of express and freight solutions coupled with supplementary solutions of tech-enabled tracking, an in-house regulatory team for proactive clearance support, and a dedicated customer servicing team.